.zuerich Registry Operator Website

This is the Registry Website of the top-level domain .ZUERICH. The ICANN approved registry operator is the Canton of Zurich (Kanton Zürich). This website primarily addresses ICANN approved registrars.

If you are interested in registering a .ZUERICH domain, please visit our end-user website https://dot.zuerich for additional information on the domain and its advantages as well as a step-by-step guide on how to register a .ZUERICH domain.

Companies and public authorities who wish to register a “.ZUERICH” domain, must submit their registration requests to an accredited .ZUERICH domain name registrar. The list of accredited registrars is available here.

Please find details on registration and launch phase requirements in the policies in the right-hand column of this page.

For additional information or if you are interested in becoming a .ZUERICH domain registrar please write to info@dotzuerich.ch

Latest information on the allocation of reserved domain names

The Canton of Zurich periodically releases protected domain names for allocation. The allocation takes place via an application procedure. Here you will find all information about the allocation criteria and the procedure for your application.

Allocation of reserved domains by application
The Canton of Zurich carries out allocation procedures of reserved .zuerich domains every six months. The domains made available in the course of an allocation proceedure can only be acquired by submitting an application to the Canton of Zurich.

  • General information (German): Website Canton Zurich
  • Policies: Directive Allocation Reserved Names
  • Reserved names: Reserved names (TXT file)
  • About Canton of Zurich and the “.ZUERICH “ top level domain.

    The Canton of Zurich is one of the largest of the 26 Swiss cantons and the strongest economic region in Switzerland. More than 116,000 companies form a dynamic mix of large corporations, SMEs and start-ups. Renowned research institutes, educational institutions, think tanks and creative networks characterize the region. Cities, municipalities, the cantonal administration and a multitude of other public organizations provide reliable services to the population and the economy.

    The .ZUERICH top level domain serves the clear and unmistakable positioning of the business location Canton Zurich. Companies and public organizations active in the canton can use the .ZUERICH domain and benefit from the Zurich brand.

    WHOIS Search

    Following the launch of the .Zuerich top-level domain, all interested parties can request information about registered domains to find out, if a domain is available for registration or who is the holder of a registered domain by using a WHOIS query.